Vogue and ELLE - Comparisons

    Front cover:
Image result for Vogue logoVogue magazine is read in many places around the world. While Portugal and Australia magazines both aim to "define the culture of fashion," they have significant differences between them. For instance, Vogue Portugal get 130,900 readers on average per print edition, whereas Vogue Australia get around 405,000 readers per magazine. They also both have different audiences. Of course, they are both "style, fashion and beauty obsessed," however 50% of Australia's Vogue readers have a degree, whereas the percentage of Portugal Vogue reader who have a degree is 31.8%. Their readers are also 92.8% female and 54.9% are aged between 25-44 years old. This shows that mostly younger and older women are appealed to the fashion and articles as vogue provides quick fix problems for women more then men. Apart from print, Vogue has followers on social media so that readers can get any updates or digitally download issues (which is gradually becoming more popular). Vogue Portugal has around 400,000 followers on Facebook and 115,000 on Instagram, whereas Vogue Australia has 1.6 million on Facebook and 544,000 on Instagram. So, digitally downloading issues has become more popular over the years and is very different these days compared to vogue 50 years ago for example, when the readers would only buy print magazines. Vogue Portugal receives 4 million page views per month and Vogue Australia get around 1.4 million views per month plus 796 issues downloads in April 2017. Since this has been introduced digitally, it has helped them gain more money and promote better by posting live streams called 'Vogue Live' on Facebook and posting videos of the Golden Globes, Grammy's, Coachella and the Met Ball. This helps them to become more popular and maintain the success of the brand. [8]

The British Vogue website provides different options to click on at the bar near the top, for example the news, fashion such as different fashion trends and styles, Beauty, Arts and Lifestyle, and more. The variety of topics appeals greater audiences rather than a smaller fashion obsessed audience. The website also offers videos and images to appeal to the eye, as the eye generally searches for colours. However, it is not too crowded, and easy to work it. [10]

Image result for elle logoFront cover:
Unlike Vogue, ELLE magazine focuses more on "interior design, fashion, travel, real estate, and art," rather than just beauty and fashion. Also, their audience makes up of 71% of women and 29% of men, therefore, ELLE appeals more men than Vogue does due to the variety of creativity in the magazine. Additionally, the percentage of the audience that are over the age of 35 is 70% which is a greater percentage than Vogue. Again, this is due to the interior design, travel and real estate topics which would attract older adults more than younger adults and teenagers. Similar to Vogue, ELLE also has social platforms to promote their brand even further such as Instagram, Pinterest, Blogger and brand gallery sponsorship's. Therefore, viewing magazine digitally has become wildly popular over the years as it is easier and cheaper for people. [9]

UK ELLE is similiar to Vogue as they have a similar bar at the top to access different topics like fashion or beauty etc. However, it's different because this website provides more adverts and news stories, while Vogue concentrates more on the fashion compared to ELLE. There are more promotions of perfumes rather than clothes. Also, there are news stories in every topic, which is another difference. Due to this, I feel that this attracts a smaller audience that Vogue because many people may not be interested in the news that much, whereas on Vogue there is a good organised amount of it. [11]
